Choose your Course

Unexpected Flight Situations
Unexpected Flight Situations
Unexpected Flight Situations
Student pilot’s will learn to establish a relationship of understanding with ATC that warrants a safe flight.
Learn communications together with an FAA Controller to fly to the United States without stress or confusion

RTARI Course
RTARI Course
RTARI Course
The RTARI Course can vary in length depending on the depth of coverage of the topics and the student’s current English level.

VFR course
VFR course
VFR course
The VFR course was created for student pilots that will soon learn to fly in the United States, and want to finish their flight training with ease and with a faster learning curve.

Flight Attendant Course
Flight Attendant Course
Flight Attendant Course
The course focuses on developing vocabulary related to airport procedures, flight announcements, dealing with passengers and their needs, emergency situations, as well as grammatical structures commonly used in these contexts.
Navigate ATC language to become the safest pilot in the sky.
Uleadair is a leading company in the Aviation English Training field with more than 15 years of experience teaching aeronautical communications. Our Scenario Based Learning method creates a game-like Aviation English training experience with live interactions with our FAA ATC controllers or specialized English teachers. Since our methods are uniquely designed to bring Aviation English skill levels from mere competency to mastery in such a short time, we are able to outperform other training methods.
Featured courses
American Air Traffic Controllers
Our instructors are former FAA controllers.
· They help our pilots feel as if they were flying in the United States.
· They are several years of experience in controlled towers and airspaces such as Los Angeles, Chicago, Washington, among others.
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ULEADAIR on International Civil Aviation Organization
International Civil Aviation Organization The International Civil Aviation Organization is a specialized...
What Students are saying

For me it exceeded expectations because it is very didactic and just as they give it. North American controllers make it very real and they correct us with their experience
in what they had to correct us, also the slides that were all in English to me I really liked how the pronunciation, the diction, the understanding, then the whole day was developing that in the end the practice with the simulator was quite didactic and since it was used a lot, it was very fruitful.

I have never had the I liked flying to the United States and it did make me a little uneasy, like the first time. time I listened to the communications it did make me a little uneasy, but with the standard phraseology you already defend yourself very well and I had looked for documents, books, that will talk about it, but there is no way to practice it in a simulator and that be there interacting and listening to your colleagues, also how they fail, how they say things differently or their diction is different, it helps a lot.

It’s amazing how Being able to speak English with someone is very different from technical aeronautical phraseology, It’s very different, so what I needed was. Maybe I didn’t know how to do it. Expected from the course, but it was very pleasant for me to be able to learn the phraseology which I was missing because there wasn’t so much anger to talk, but in a matter of to be listening to the ATC because maybe I was searching and only found that Life ATIS and Yeah, but I couldn’t polish it well because I still didn’t fully understand.

A little of what my colleagues have commented. Very educational, really. When we were practicing in the simulator the time passed quite quickly and
that I mentioned, maybe we understand many things in English but it is. The phraseology that must be used when working there is very different, so I think it did help me understand some things that I was not clear about or give me idea of how things are done there.

Thank you very much “Cap” for your time, for the course, which is actually quite good and how says question eleven, of course I would recommend the course for other pilots.
Frequently Asked Questions
The practices are completely online with our Virtual Simulator, where each pilot flies his plane remotely and practices the communications and strategic phrases of the Course.
We offer a double schedule per day to choose from, that is, the class is repeated daily and pilots can enter at the time that best suits them.
The schedules to choose – time – CDMX:
9am to 11am or 7pm to 9pm
An advantage that we have is that all of our courses are recorded and students who miss class or want to review a class can watch the entire class recording on our YouTube link on their own time. Every class is uploaded on the link 2 hours after it is given. Uleadair keeps attendance so you can see who is missing class and on which dates.